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vrijdag, augustus 23, 2024

Skywatch Friday and some prose

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More pictures? Check my Flickr page

Every SWF-picture published here is shot with my trusty Google Pixel 4a smartphone and unedited, unless stated otherwise.
For more Skywatch Friday photo's from around the globe, please check 

Close to work there's a bowling alley:
Twice a week the evening in the fair park where the theatre is where I work, ends with fireworks:
Even when it rains I like going to the beach. Nobody went swimming this day so the local 'Baywatch team' amused themselves with a ball game:
This is the view from our Green Room:
In this former hotel - a once magnificent building of some 120 years old - we enjoyed ourselves with a couple of rounds of 'paintball' with Airsoft guns:
This tent reminded me of this poem:
Seagulls love the fair park. And visitors dropping bits of foods:
Nope, I don't know the meaning of these wooden poles:
Do you? A way to break the waves in case of super high tide? 

I usually write some eight pieces of prose a week, most of them during two scenes in Snow White the Musical in Belgium: Sneeuwwitje en de Zeven Dwergen. 

The director liked the idea of my character being a writer so I sit on stage with a quill pen and my notebook. A bottle of ink on stage is asking for trouble so the pen tip is a Bic pen. But 🤫. It's 'stage magic'.

Here's a recent poem, based on the memory of a lovely lady I used to date. Of which I got reminded by something that happened on stage. It's always a challenge to find a GIF to match the poem. Think I succeeded? 

Her gut (a piece #stoetry; is it a #story or a #poem?)

She didn't think she was pretty 

but to him she was gorgeous.

Although he told her

more than once,

she was still not convinced.

So he told her 

that the inside is more important 

than the outside 

and her inside was amazing!

He knew because 

part of him had been there.

And wrote her a poem 

about her beautiful inside:

An ode

to her gut


Should you want to read more: I'm working on a few more collections and a few have already been published:

Check out my collections of #ShortStories and #poems Weijnschenk
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