Every SWF-picture published here is shot with my trusty Google Pixel 4a smartphone and unedited, unless stated otherwise.
For more Skywatch Friday photo's from around the globe, please check http://skyley.blogspot.com/
After our stay in Mechelen, cast, crew, props, set pieces and what not moved to De Panne. There we will be performing this musical.
The theatre is not far from the North Sea so there are plenty of Seagulls coming after scraps of food, left by visitors from the fair park the theatre is part of:
On an evening off, we went to the beach:
And here's the view from the room I'll be spending most of my nights for the next two months:
This #poem was inspired by breakfast:
After Eight
Eventually dawn will break
like eggshells on a hot plate
And we will remember
the words of love not hate
that bound us together
that one special morning
a bit after eight
Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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