Perhaps it's time for an actual, good old fashioned 'revolution of the people'. To get people in power who actually know what it's like to be 'the people'.
A revolution does not always have to be violent; there are many ways to protest tyranny. Like this one:
People like President Trump and former British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak are absolutely [useless] clueless about actual life outside their palaces.
They actually seem to think every single millionaire is a decent person "because they have a lot of money, just like we do." Latest evidence for this rather silly idea: Krasnov introduced 'the Gold card'; a 'green card' for millionaires. Everyone who gives him 5 million dollars gets to enter the USA. Even if they're rapists, frauds and human traffickers. That it's illegal to simply sell immigration papers, does not matter to tyrants.
My apologies to wappies: the article in question contains a lot of words. Some even have three syllables or more.
From their privileged position 'the elite' think not having Sky Channel as a kid is considered 'hardship' (Sunak) or that it's normal to state you dislike nepotism but give your son-in-law a job in your government. Like Trump did. Just like he thinks it's normal to want to frack your own daughter and let her sleep in the White House instead of your wife.
Wappies like to defend their Great Leader's ('Führer' in German) behaviour with: "Yeah, but Biden once sniffed a girl's hair and his son got business deals, just because of his last name!" As if Trump's children didn't.
If your country gets new 'management' and you personally could choose, would you go for a multimillionaire despote who has already proven he would mainly enrich himself and his family and business partners (despotes never have actual friends), a highly educated person who might mean well but is actually out of touch with society and reality or someone else entirely?
Would you yourself make a great President? Why?
Think about it with your country's next elections.
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