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donderdag, april 27, 2023

Who owns America?

'I'm a real patriot and proud to be an American so my truck only runs on true American gasoline by Shell!'

First of all: Shell is originally a Dutch company and recently moved its headquarters to England because they got a good tax deal after the Brexit.

Second: the stuff you pour in your gas tank only has the word 'Shell' on the barrels because Donald Trump, as 'predident', basically sold the Saudis the right to use that name (after they bought out Shell), together with the USA's largest refinery (click).

Ever wondered why the USA never intervened and never will when Saudi Arabia bombs civilians in Yemen, chops reporters heads off if they dare speak ill of the country's leaders and gets away with murdering US reporters? 

I think it's because Saudi Arabia owns the USA. In the most literal meaning of the word. Starbucks, Microsoft and Zoom are 'real American!' companies? Maybe. But their main shareholders (click) speak Arabic. Even the Arizona ground water is not for US citizens, crop or catle but goes - in unlimited quantities - to grow Alfalfa, a crop that is mostly used to feed catle. In Saudi Arabia (click).

'Yeah, but my Ford truck is a real American product!' So sorry to tell you, but it's not (click). Yes, its headoffice stands in Detroit but the car itself is mostly manufactured in China and Taiwan 

while most electronic components come from factories in Germany. Which is also not really the USA. Just as Mexico isn't. Where Ford car parts are assembled. If you're 'A real American patriot!' who refuses to touch anything that's not made in the USA, you should ditch your Ford truck.

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