It's weird, right? The trial against Mr. Mileikowsky was about to restart. Only one thing could prevent him from having to answer to the judge: a military threat. So that was the end of the truth...sorry...thruce. Bibi reminds me of the standard abusive husband: "It's her own fault that I broke her jaw; she only had to say please and thank you and do whatever I told her to.'
I don't like him very much. Neither do I like the government leaders condoning this atrocity. The official Dutch stance now is: 'The Israelis and Palestinians should make peace and stop provoking the other."
Which sounds - to stay with the comparison of the abusive husband: "Women and their r4pists should just make peace. If only she does exactly what he wants, he won't hurt his knuckles anymore. She doesn't understand how much she hurts the poor guy so he is absolutely right in depriving her of food and water until she finally listens to him."
Sometimes I really don't like this world.
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"But the hostages should be freed!"
Interesting fact: more Israeli hostages in Palestine (only the half a dozen countries whom Nethanyhu promised cheap gas from Gasa...Gaza once the Ben Gurion canal is realised, don't recognize Palestine as a sovereign nation) have been killed by the IOF than by Hamas.
Yes, the thousands of Palestinian hostages being held by and in Israel should be released. You're absolutely right! And Hamas? Show me a picture or video, proudly shared by the IOF, in which you can see an actual Hamas tank, drone, rocket, attack helicopter or even a single fighter with more than a slingshot, fighting the mighty army. Or do you mean the handful of businessmen in Qatar? Who - for some reason - are invulnerable for Israeli drones even though those drones càn reach and kill terrorist leaders in Lebanon?
The head of Shin Bet had found reasons to suspect Netanyahu asked his Quatari business friends to support Hamas and dared to speak out about Netanyahu's lack of care for the Israli hostages. So Ronan Bar immediately got cancelled. Even though it has been common knowledge for years that Netanyahu gladly allowed his Qatari business friends (military and financially) supported Hamas.
Tens of thousands of Israeli want Ronan Bar to finish his investigation in Netanyahu's (financial) ties with Hamas and call for Netanyahu's resignation, calling his rule undemocratic.
I don't care if his family changed their family name from Mileikowsky to Netanyahu to hide they're absolutely not indigenous to the Levant. Or that Netanyahu changed his name from Ben Nitay via John Sullivan and back to Benjamin Netanyahu. I'm not one of those weird people that demand nothing or no one should be called by a later assigned name.
Do you know of any acception to the rule: "Nothing and noone should ever use a later assigned name!"?
Bibi gets more support from foreign 'patriots' with the Israeli flag in their social media profiles than from his own people. It makes sense because stupid people are easily misled by soundbites. And platforms like X are the perfect way to spread them. No wonder the IOF spends millions in US taxpayer's money to flood social media with whichever narrative gets the most traction.
Soulless businessmen have everything to gain from hate, war and polarisation.
Fascists never want the actual truth to come out. Nor to those basing their wealth and power in the fascist's slipstream:
What Israel is doing is an actual war crime. Even the self-acclaimed catholic and zionist Biden said: "Er, my good business friend Bibi? Perhaps you could cut back a little in the slaughtering of innocent people? It's attracting some unwanted attention and perhaps people will dig into our deal concerning the Ben Gurion canal. At least shoot them in the back so the corpses look like they were Hamas terrorists trying to run away from our brave IOF soldiers. okay?'
"Yeah, but the IOF is really morally just. They even offered to investigate if they commited warcrimes themselves!" How nice.
I'm sure the IOF will thoroughly investigate this 'alleged' crime, committed by the IOF. And conclude the IOF acted justified. "H@mas terrorists disguised as civilians got our beautiful Made in USA bombs and bullets dirty with their blood and proceeded to try to sabotage our most morally justified Made in Britain bulldozers by sticking pieces of their skulls in the machinery. But our brave soldiers fiercely resisted, fought back and managed to subdue the evil terrorists." You know: "We from FIFA..."
Speaking of money: thanks to US taxpayers, Israli children go to school for free. If children go to school for little to no costs for their parents in Europe or the USA, Americans call that 'socialist'. When the USA pays for free edducation in Israel that's 'because everyone deserves to right to be educated, not just rich kids'.
History will not be kind to zionists and I feel sorry for actual Jews that some think all Jews are zionists. I used to compare zionists to nazis. But don't anymore: zionists are far worse 'people'.