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donderdag, januari 11, 2024

How many Thoughts & Prayers are enough?

When some disaster occurs, how do you know how many thoughts and prayers to send? Is there a pricelist somewhere? Because I couldn't find one, I made one:

One Thought & Prayer for when someone gets shot but not killed, four T's & P's for a wildfire or a school shooting? But of course zero when thousands of people in Sudan are slaughtered in a brutal civil war. Except when one of them has a US or EU passport of course (doing this so I won't have to write 'is white'). And how many Thoughts & Prayers are the 35,000 worth who die of hunger Every. Single. Day.?


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Very nice that people think of people in need. Perhaps even light a candle and pray for their souls. Perhaps even in church. But be honest: how many lives have ever been saved by Thoughts & Prayers? 

Compare that to the number of people saved by doctors, fire fighters, food programs, clean water policies, police officers, teachers, soldiers, mental health workers, volunteers and donations to all those different causes.

Perhaps it's time to change your mind about Thougths & Prayers and finally start actually doing something.

What do you do to help others? Especially from people who call themselves 'christian' I'd like to know: do you call yourself 'christian' on social media and post that you're sending Thoughts & Prayers or are you doing something actually useful to make the world a better place?

 If you are sending Thoughts & Prayers (and perhaps a bit more), be like Betty:


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