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Here are some pictures of my favourite city in the whole wide world: Amsterdam
Westertoren. If you could look straight through the tram and the houses, you could see the Anne Frank house. This was when I went catsitting.
What I like about friends coming to visit Amsterdam: I tend to avoid the center but they usually don't want to. So I go to places in 'my own' city where I hardly ever come. Like Leidseplein in above picture. The theatre in the background was called Stadsschouwburg once but recently became International Theatre Amsterdam. To sound more 'touristy' I guess. And because no non-Dutch could ever pronounce the name of the place.
Although I frequently pass this (Allard Pierson) museum. As it's on route to my favourite Irish Pub.
And yes, the moon was really that bright that late evening.
On my way to an audition in Utrecht, I passed this cemetery. There's always something eerie about them, don't you think?
On my way to an audition in Utrecht, I passed this cemetery. There's always something eerie about them, don't you think?
Since I didn't get hired for a fout months of acting job (this time), I went to apply for goverment benefit (I live in the Netherlands so I don't need to sell a kidney or borrow money at a 20% interest (US citizens call those loans 'creditcard', I believe) to buy groceries. Just don't buy a new phone every six months, nor buy expensive clothes and holiday? Nah, stay the weekend with friends in some other town and you'll be okay, moneywise) and had a really nice chat with the lady behind the desk:
Here's one of the poems I noted down in the notebook
I got from my 'Secret Santa' while performing in Middlesbrough, last december:
Everlasting Memories (a #poem)
Ah, the sound
of children's laughter!
Nothing was more beautiful
except - of course -
the sound and view
of her laughing
at his silly jokes
brightening his day
while going out of her way
to feed his soul
everlasting memories
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Heeft u na het lezen van dit blogstuk iets geleerd, wat gelachen of heeft het u aan het denken gezet, overweegt u dan een donatie voor de tijd en moeite die ik er in steek.
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Such a lovely sentimental poem and the sky reflections are enchanting. :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks, Penelope!