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donderdag, mei 12, 2022

Why do people lie to prove a point?

"This brave little girl was fighting of Canadian police during the 2022 anti-lockdown protests in Canada!"

Except she wasn't. The picture was taken in 2018. In Germany. At a public training day for new recruits for a local police force.

For people who claim they always conduct 'their own research!' rightwing people are really bad in doing their own research. In above case a simple reverse image search revealed the true story behind the picture.

This wasn't the only time that some right wing idiots used a child to 'prove' a point they don't actually have. They even claimed to have captured a video of a abducted child escaping Buckingham Palace!

It was soon debunked. The 'secretly taped footage' was simply a scene from a television series.

This xenofoob takes stupidity to a higher level: He actually seems to think people will believe him if he shows them that in Italy truckers suddenly drive on the left side of the road, instead of on the right as they have ever since memory serves. But people actually fell (and probably still fall) for this person's lies. 
Again, a simple Reverse Image Search would teach them this picture was taken near Kent (click), England and does not show truckers protesting Covid-rules. But truckers waiting in line to get accross to the mainland. Which is harder to do because half the population of England decided to believe a handful of populists, followed them like the sheep they are and are now stuck with 'Brexit'. 

Here are a few more examples of rightwing people spreading false information ('Fake news!', their hero and savior Donald Trump likes to call it) on purpose. Knowing the majority of their followers is too stupid to do any kind of research and will simply repeat the narrative they want them to repeat. 

For some reason President Obama is a favourite target for Trump fans, conspiracy believers, neo-nazi's, hypocrites and other evangelicals.

Like when they spread this information:
Some right wing people know the news is fake but by far most sheep will simply take it as a fact, believe and spread it. They're not 'critical thinkers' but simply simple minded people who shout they're against something, hoping it makes them belong to a group.

And here's the picture of the guy in Black Panther outfit before someone edited Obama's face in it:

For years they have seen Fox Entertainmentchannel do it succesfully. Fox spreads lies with so much succes that most people watching Fox with their Maga cap on don't even realize Fox is owned by extremely rich foreigners and their cap is made in China.

The answer to the question: 'Why do people lie to prove a point?' is:
To hide the fact they know they don't have a point.

Challenge for my readers: provide examples of how and when 'the left' lied and manipulate to prove a non-existing point.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

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woensdag, mei 11, 2022

In hoeverre beheerst u de Nederlandse taal?

Heel goed ben ik niet in het imiteren van accenten en zelfs mijn Amsterdams laat te wensen over. Maar toen ik ooit in Wales werkte, sprak ik binnen een week Engels met een Welsh accent en ik ga wel eens de fout in omdat ik zowel in het Nederlands alsook in het Engels veel schrijf. Zo schreef ik het interessante woord 'legiteam' in een app-bericht. Ook het dagelijks leren van de Franse taal heeft invloed op mijn Nederlands taalgebruik. Zo schreef ik per abuis op mijn boodschappenlijstje 'jambon' in plaats van 'ham'.

In Facebook zijn niet alle plaatjes te zien (of te horen) en links in mijn artikelen niet aan te klikken. Klik daarom op de oorspronkelijke link. Veel leesplezier! O ja, fans kunnen mijn Fan pagina leuk vinden.
Net als iedereen maak ook ik wel eens schrijffouten maar zo bont als in deze voorbeelden heb ik het echt nog nooit gemaakt:

Leden van 'het volk' zijn bijna per definitie slecht in Nederlands
Mensen die geloven in rare complotten, geloven niet in opletten tijdens de Nederlandse les

Mensen die slecht Nederlands schrijven, zijn vaak geobsedeerd door Sinterklaas.

Leden van 'het volk' zijn vaak opvallend slecht in taal maar ook in rekenen.
Ziet u de fout?

Leden van 'het volk 'zijn niet alleen slecht in Nederlands, ook nemen zij automatisch voor waar aan wat iemand in hun 'bubbel' hen laat weten.

Helaas zal de gemiddelde Nederlander niet snel beter Nederlands leren schrijven. Niet met leraren die al met lesgeven op de Basisschool dit soort fouten maken in leerboekjes:

Wat zou er volgens u kunnen veranderen om ervoor te zorgen dat toekomstige leden van 'het volk' de Nederlandse taal beter beheersen?