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dinsdag, juli 22, 2003

Should you be really, really bored (like some people I just happen to know but whose names I won't mention. Unless of course someone would promise me a handsome amount of money...) you could always visit a few websites that are slightly different from your MSN-pages. Naturally the ones that are displayed on the left hand side of this blog but there are others as well. Take this one for instance: a weblog called Defective Yeti. Doesn't that tickle your curiosity-bone? If that's not your new cure for boredom try this: Cartoons starring...muffins! That one I got send by Janinel. Thanks, love! Speaking of cartoons and boredom: American secret service agents are investigating if a cartoonist
should be arrested for threatening George W. Bush. The LA Times printed this cartoon in which the president of the US of A
is held a gun against his head by a guy called "Politics", posing in the fashion of that very famous Vietnam-picture.
This poor guy who goes by the name of Michael Ramirez drew a picture of a gun pressed to a president's head. I'm now writing about a gun being pressed against
a president's head. Can I also be held for questioning now? The cartoonist must feel a bit like that poor Russian guy
who was accused of trying to perform a terrorist deed. While all he did was crossing the big water between Russia and the land of possibilities in an effort to set a new record. In a rubberboat. You might get away with arresting him for endangering his own life but not for threatening a nation...
Early this afternoon my son and I went to look up his mom in her new room at the institute she is currently staying.
We were half an hour late because that was the time it took me to realize the tram-stop had been moved a quarter of a mile a few weeks back...
For an hour or so we took her on a strole through Vondelpark before heading home. Then we discovered a new shop
in British goodies! So here I am, munching a Polo (the mint with the hole), while Ferdinand tries his first ever Jawbreaker and a bag of salt and vinager crisps is ready to be taken to my moms.
The rest of the afternoon I will be spending in the garden, reading the latest Harry Potter.
So...ta for now!
Oh, and could you guys let me now what you think of my little experiment of writing this blog-entry in English in stead of my native toungue?

maandag, juli 21, 2003

Terwijl Eva nog heerlijk lag te slapen kwam buurvrouw A even op de thee.
Zodoende was zij de eerste die mij persoonlijk kon feliciteren met de vandaag
geboekte overwinningen. De tweede felicitatie kwam uit Amerika...
Op het terras waar ik vanmiddag na het deelraad-bezoek een witbiertje nuttigde
bleek aan het tafeltje naast het onze dezelfde meneer te zitten die op de zestiende
op een ander terras het tafeltje naast dat van mij, Janinel, Daan en Fer bevolkte.
Wat een toeval toch weer. Ook kwam er toen nog even een bekende langs:
Nicole, medewerkster van een casting-bureau bij welke ik sta ingeschreven.
In de supermarkt vandaag raakte ik nog in geanimeerd gesprek met Milly, moeder van
Bram en Freek, een paar schoolmaten van de Ferman.
Intussen was m'n zoon heerlijk aan het ravotten met Eva en haar zusje
bij hun moeder thuis. Bas belde nog met goed nieuws: de foto's voor m'n portfolio zijn klaar en hij komt ze morgen brengen.
Ferdinand ligt te dromen van waar een Superfer zoal van droomt nadat hij langer mocht opblijven
om Robotwars af te kijken. Nog even dit stukje aftypen alvorens ik ga douchen en slapen.
Maandag 21 juli 2003 zal als ik eenmaal Pasja-regent ben worden ingesteld als nationale feestdag.