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zaterdag, maart 15, 2025

Te zijn (een #gedicht)

Liever dan aan mentale,
leed hij aan fysieke pijn

Die was tenminste te verdrijven 
met een goed glas rode wijn 

Terwijl hartepijn
langer bleef beklijven

Dan kon hij niet anders 
dan die te verdragen 
en gewoon te zijn 

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vrijdag, maart 14, 2025

Skywatch Friday and some prose

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More pictures? Check my Flickr page

Every SWF-picture published here is shot with my trusty Google Pixel 7 smartphone and unedited, unless stated otherwise.
For more Skywatch Friday photo's from around the globe, please check 

We had a couple of nice, relatively warm, days in Amsterdam. Although tonight (March 13th) it will freeze again.

Here's some Amsterdam architecture for you:

Historically houses in the centre are not very wide. Coming from the days house owners were taxed on the width of their house. Hence the stairwell is quite small too. Leading to large hooks sticking out at the top. To haul in furniture through the windows.
I live on the edge of the old center. This canal marks the border of where the city used to end:
One of my favourite spots to hang at my evenening walks. Hanging over the railing of a bridge, enjoying a sunset:
There used to be a church here but people started believing in other things. In this instance the church building was too far gone to patch up and get a new purpose. To commemorate they've build in a clock at the spot where the old church tower with clock and bells was:
A typical example of a 'postzegelpark', a 'stamp park', also known as 'pocket park'. There's dozens of them througout the city to give people some place to breathe. Literally. Do you have much 'green' in the area where you live?
The same park from a different angle. Just recently cleaned up and redone. It used to be the graveyard, belonging to the church in one of the pictures above.
Here's a poem I woke up from a dream with a recent night, still half asleep:

As the screams got louder (a #CirclePoem)

As the screams got louder
and the hours grew weaker,
thunder clapped
like eyes closed in the rain

and footsteps became memories 
as the only way
to tell time
was counting 
the number of tears
and cats on the rooftop
between here and now 
and darkness approached 
as the screams got louder

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Over links gesproken: ja, dat ben ik maar voor verdieping staat er ook een aantal in mijn stukjes. Heb daar wat moeite voor genomen dus stel het op prijs als u de moeite neemt er op te klikken om de betreffende artikelen, onderzoeken en filmpjes te bekijken.

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