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vrijdag, september 20, 2024

Skywatch Friday and some prose

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Every SWF-picture published here is shot with my trusty Google Pixel 4a smartphone and unedited, unless stated otherwise.
For more Skywatch Friday photo's from around the globe, please check 

Although I quite enjoyed working and living in Belgium for three months, I was happy to be back in the Netherlands again. Specifically my hometown of Amsterdam:

Although the calender said it was September, we still had some lovely Summer days. Which I thoroughly enjoyed:
Amsterdam really is the place to be for me. Maybe I'm a bit prejudiced because it's the place where I was born and raised.

I also don't mind being in Utrecht, where I was for a burlesque party:

Or Zwanenburg, where I met up with a guy who is now the illustrator of my first children's book. After we first met at a meeting of the school newspaper, some forty odd years ago:

No matter how lovely other places, my heart is always filled with joy, walking the streets of Amsterdam, like that one recent night walking home from my Freemasons Lodge:
Yes, that bright spot close to the center of the shot is the moon.

This week's poem is one of the pieces I wrote just before and during a scene in the musical I performed in in Belgium. With a quill (the tip was a simple Bic pen but it worked!) and the approval of the director to keep my ADHD brain from being distracted too much:

Shared adventure (a #poem)

No lesser gods
could help them now 
And even the most 
popular deities 
were helpless 

Now the moon
coloured bloodred
and dust and debris 
turned the last sunrise 
into a sunset

All they could do,
now even the richest man
was worthless,
was to find solace 
in the memory 
of their last 
shared adventure 


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donderdag, september 19, 2024

Rules or no rules?

Rules are put in place to protect people from stupidity. Their own as well as others'. It's why civilized countries have rules on food, for example. Not because it's 'left' or 'socialist' but because it's wise. People who suffer - or die - from food poisoning don't tend to be very productive citizens. 

So it's really a mystery as to why conservatives state they oppose rules and shout 'Freedom!' Why would anyone in their right mind demand the right to get sick or die?

Conservatives also seem to be fond of American suburbs 'because they give us freedom!' Without realizing they have been duped to fall for a Ponzi scheme. As explained in this video:

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The video explains why it's much safer and healthier to build suburbs like they do in Europe. With more attention for bikes and pedestrians than for cars. Research shows that people in bike-, bus- and walk centric cities are not only healthier and more productive but also faster at work or school than in cities where people spend hours a day in their cars in traffic jams.

But - just like their favourite demagogue - conservatives shout "They want to take away our cars and freedom!' Those stupid people demand the freedom to die in car accidents, from obesity and poverty. Because a car is not just more dangerous than other means of transport but also a lot more expensive. Except in places where public transport is in the hands of a conservative government and their multimillioniare sponsors, also known as 'the free market'. 

On the other hand: 'No more rules!' conservatives constantly want rules to restrict the freedom of others. If it was up to conservatives, there'd only be freedom of religion for christians, only freedom to make decisions over the own body for men, only the freedom to read for people who deny the existence of slavery and no more freedom to learn about human reproduction before your first child. Probably around age 15, just like Lady Mary.

Basically: that 'freedom!' conservatives want? What they actually mean is that only they should be entitled to priveleges and no other groups of people. 

And why are conservatives always so worked up? Don't they have actual problems to worry about? And the things they are terrified about aren't even real issues. Drag queens sexually abusing children? Not a thing.
Men becoming transwomen just so they can enter a woman's locker room? Made up.

Immigrants are all criminals? A fable only extremely stupid people believe in:

But still conservatives demand more rules on drag, transgenderism and immigration. Weird. And stupid.

If you don't like rules, why constantly make your children live by your rules and demand your government to come up with rules for other groups than your own?

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