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vrijdag, juli 26, 2024

Skywatch Friday and some prose

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More pictures? Check my Flickr page

Every SWF-picture published here is shot with my trusty Google Pixel 4a smartphone and unedited, unless stated otherwise.
For more Skywatch Friday photo's from around the globe, please check 


We only really have the Mondays of. So we thoroughly enjoy our 'weekend':
The weather didn't attract a lot of beach volleyball players:
For that special holiday feeling, I touched up this picture a bit. With my favourite photo editor: Snapseed.

What's your favourite photo editor for your smartphone?

We could tell earlier that day that it wouldn't exactly be a hot Summer day:
Although the weather produced some beautiful clouds:
As if the seagulls care:
Clouds, clouds everywhere. Like here over the holiday park where we are staying:
And here, over the fair park where we are playing:
After a party in the theatre as well as in the park, 

there were fireworks:

And gas is less expensive in Belgium than it is in The Netherlands. Here are the local prices per liter. 

What are the prices of gas in your part of the world?
This week's poem is inspired by an interaction with a colleague in Snow-white, the musical:

Already left (a #poem)

That's how it happened 

that he kept dreaming 

About reality 

the day she would come 

And hopefully would stay 

if only he would listen 

To that wonderful woman 

with her silver voice 

and raven locks 

Then he received the message 

She had already left


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donderdag, juli 25, 2024

Going nuclear!

What to do with nuclear waste? "Let's store it safely for now and let future generations deal with our problem!" is what selfish people figured. At the costs of billions of dollars and a dozen or so lives. 

Turns out: nuclear waste cannot be stored 'safely'. 

Just read about the Yuccah Mountain Waste Repository: as soon as the (now halted by first Obama and later by Trump) project is finished, the USA will have produced more nuclear waste than it can 'safely' store.

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Turns out: nuclear energy is - with the current knowledge - far more dangerous and expensive then advocates want the world to believe.

"Yeah, but Michael Shellenberger is an expert and he says we should go nuclear!" Interesting fact: Shellenberger has been proven wrong about 'climate alarmists and their ideas for sustainable energy'.
Furthermore: Even Nobuo Tanaka, former Executive Director of Shellenbergers  International Energy Agency  (IEA) and long-time nuclear advocate,  recently admitted nuclear power is ridiculously expensive.

I personally think we should consume less and invest in safer ways to generate energy than by 'going nuclear'. Or should we be selfish and let future generations deal with the problems we create?

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