'Homosexuality is unnatural!' terrified, dumb people like to shout. It's nonsense of course. From the dawn of time animals have shown homosexual behaviour. And yes, humans are simply a different kind of animals. Just less civilised than other animals. While homosexuality is normal in 2000+ species, only humans know homophobia. And no matter what your Pastor told you: missionary position is very unnatural. Just ask scientist Kees Moeliker who got critically acclaimed for his research on necrophilia among homosexual ducks.
Recently researchers were happily surprised to finally catch a couple of humpbacks in the act. And no, I won't apologize for the pun. They were even more surprised to discover they witnessed not just any couple having s3x but a gay couple.
Why are some terrified of the thought King David was most likely in a homosexual relationship with one Jonathan, 'who he loved more than a woman'?
"Yes, but King David was married to a woman! That he had s3x with a man does not prove he was gay!"
By the way: King David had at least eight wives. But don't tell fake christians who state we all should marry 'in accordance with the Bible'. Okay, having gay s3x can be 'just a hobby' then? Just like engaging in s3x acts with a minor didn't make this US youth pastor 'a pedo!' because having s3x with children is not his nature 'but just a hobby'?
This 14-years old girl was made pregnant some time ago but the father was never punished. Do you think he should be punished for his deed?
This 14-years old girl was made pregnant some time ago but the father was never punished. Do you think he should be punished for his deed?
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