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Since I don't have a car (living in the centre of Amsterdam, a car is more of a nuisance than practical), I do most of my traveling outside the city by public transport. Often by train. So here are a few trainstations I recently visited:
Antwerp Central Station. Or - more accurate - the station seen from the hotel room in which I stayed for some 6,5 hours until it was time to report at a filmset again:
The train station of Herentals. Where I got dropped of for the trip back to Amsterdam:View from the train I took from Amsterdam to Nieuw-Vennep. To pay my respects and say 'Goodbye, my friend' to a dying friend I'd known since kindergarten:
The Nieuw-Vennep trainstation is mainly practical:
Trainstation Amsterdam Lelylaan is named after Cornelis Lely, the (hydraulic) engineer and statesman responsible for literally 'draining the swamp' and reclaiming much of the Netherlands' (literally: the nether lands or 'the lands below') land from the waters.
And an important hub for people travelling to and from Schiphol, the airport that was built on the bottom of what once was a lake, Haarlemmermeer:
=========While standing in the wings, getting ready to do a scene with Snow White, I saw a scene with her Evil Stepmom and wrote this piece on the spot:
To Live Again (a #poem)
His emotions weren't banned
but simply parked
and her wicked smile
kept them out of sight
At least for the remainder
of their time together
How long they had,
they knew exactly
For the time was now;
the time to die
and to live again
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