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vrijdag, juli 05, 2024

Skywatch Friday and some prose

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More pictures? Check my Flickr page

Every SWF-picture published here is shot with my trusty Google Pixel 4a smartphone and unedited, unless stated otherwise.
For more Skywatch Friday photo's from around the globe, please check


To start with a bonus, here's two pictures from a couple of years ago (made with a previous phone), turned into a gif animation:
In loving memory of my dear uncle, who left us last week, here's a picture from when my son and I visited him in beautiful Kelowna BC, Canada in 2018:
He had a great sense of humour:
By popular demand, here's my favourite picture of that trip:
Just as I clicked, my son stepped into the frame to take the same picture of beautiful Lake Okanagan.

And here are a few recent pictures too! From De Panne, where I will be all Summer, performing in a musical:
Just had to take a picture of that bike. Some things one just can't resist.

At the end of this path is the gate leading from backstage to the outside world:
We are in a bungalow with a bit more luxury but I really like these tiny houses in the holiday park that's home this Summer:
We are off for one day a week. Weather permitting, we love to spend a few hours at the De Panne beach:
Sometimes when I get home after a show, I like to have a beer and watch the sun slowly set. Did I say 'sometimes'? I mean 'six days a week':

This week's poem is inspired by a scene in the show we're currently playing:

A Little Patience (a #poem)

While the rain 

filled his glass,

he smiled at the memory,

ignoring the tear

rolling down her cheek.

Was she crying 
tears of happiness 
or was she sad?

She would tell him
one day 

The showers would subside 
and liquid fear
would retreat 

All that was needed 
was a little patience 

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Over links gesproken: ja, dat ben ik maar voor verdieping staat er ook een aantal in mijn stukjes. Heb daar wat moeite voor genomen dus stel het op prijs als u de moeite neemt er op te klikken om de betreffende artikelen, onderzoeken en filmpjes te bekijken.

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donderdag, juli 04, 2024

What are you scared of?

A few weeks ago I wrote about people's irrational fear of 'Muslims!' I f you ask racists why they are terrified of Muslims, they don't have rational arguments but it's always because their Great Leader ('Führer' in German) told them to be afraid of Muslims. And no, 'all Muslims are terrorists, just look at all these mass shootings they executed!' is a right wing populist lie that gullible people have been brainwashed into believing. 

Was Sam Cassidy a Muslim? Payton Grendon? And there are many more examples. Just 'do your own research!' If you really believe only - or even mostly - Muslims run around killing people, you believe in a lie. Does it mean you're stupid? No. Oh...who am I kidding...yes, believing in racist lies makes one stupid. 

Demagogues have always used people's fear for the unknown to gain popularity. 

Soon right wing populists will tell their flock to fear Artificial Intelligence. Mark my words.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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In 'ye ole' days it was pragmatic that our amygdalae made our body produce drugs that got our body ready to fight or flee. Was the opponent a human who looked different from your tribe, you could choose to fight; was the opponent a sabre tooth tiger, you'd be wise to flee. Adrenaline and other helpful drugs would assist you. 

But how do you fight or flee from a possible divorce, the fear of 'the elite' or the possibility of a sibling being diagnosed with cancer? Being scared still tricks our bodies into producing 'fight or flight' drugs. But we don't fight or flee anymore. So we get stomach- and head aches, our hearts race short: we suffer from anxiety. 

Of course you could ask your doctor for Diazepam* but what do you think is the best cure for anxiety?

*If you live in the USA, where Big Pharma controls the doctors. In civilized countries a doctor usually prescribes something like: "Lay low from work for a while and find yourself a hobby you enjoy". 

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Over links gesproken: ja, dat ben ik maar voor verdieping staat er ook een aantal in mijn stukjes. Heb daar wat moeite voor genomen dus stel het op prijs als u de moeite neemt er op te klikken om de betreffende artikelen, onderzoeken en filmpjes te bekijken.

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