donderdag, november 28, 2024

Let them eat cake!

Many believe that Marie Antoinette, wife of King Louis XVI, said 'Let them eat cake!' when told the people of France were só poor that they couldn't even afford bread. 

The remark was considered evidence that the elite had no clue about actual life and may have fueled the French Revolution.

It's a good story and since many people rather believe in a good story than in actual facts, it became 'historic fact'.

But is it true? I'll give away one detail for free: the original quote said 'brioche'. Which wrongly got translated into 'cake'. Factually brioche is a type of sweet bread. More expensive than regular bread.

Of course you refuse to take anything you hear or read for granted. Not even when everyone in your tiny bubble as well as your favourite populist state it's true. Right? So you want to think for yourself if it's true or not and do your own research. Right?

How to start your research? Type into your favourite search engine (mine is startpage. Like Google but without the saved cookies. And no ads) something like: "Is it true that Marie Antoinette said let them eat cake?"

Links will show up to reputable sources like Britannica, Wikipedia and History. Click on such a link and read the article. Do your best to comprehend what it says. Now change your opinion on the matter.

You see, 'doing your own research!' is actually quite simple and really doesn't take up a lot of time. As a matter of fact: actually researching a topic is less time consuming than watching three conspiracy videos and calling their preconceived conclusion 'my own opinion!'.

Do you do your own research or do you prefer sticking to what populists tell you to think?

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