vrijdag, februari 21, 2025

Skywatch Friday and some Prose

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More pictures? Check my Flickr page

Every SWF-picture published here is shot with my trusty Google Pixel 7 smartphone and unedited, unless stated otherwise.
For more Skywatch Friday photo's from around the globe, please check http://skyley.blogspot.com/ 

The other day I was in Zwanenburg to discuss my coming children's book with its illustrator. The nearest bus stop - a 15 minute walk - is in a town called Halfweg. Literally 'Walf way'. And half way between Amsterdam and the city of Haarlem. After which the area Harlem in NYC was named. 

Also near my home in Amsterdam I enjoyed very calm winter weather:

I met up with a friend near the Amsterdam Olympic Stadium. Where in 1928 a certain German chansellor saw athletes perform 'the roman salute' that existed since [the days of the roman gladiators] somewhere in the 17th century and had recently been promoted to 'the olympic salute' and turned it into 'the nazi salute', following his pal Benito. A statue bringing said salute was removed from the main entrance and placed in the basement. 

Freedom (a #poem)

In her he saw a beautiful sailboat;
a spotless sail on a nice body
with all the right curves
at all the right places

He asked 
to be her wind
so together
they could sail
to unknown horizons

But even if they
would just lie in the water,
they'd be together

no longer dreaming
of freedom

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