donderdag, februari 13, 2025

What are the arguments of stupid people?

"Yeah, but I don't know what's exactly in it!" as an argument for an anti-covid vaccine is laughable. Do those people know exactly what's in a whiskey bottle, in their cigarette? In a box of cereals? In that gram of the white, powdery stuff they bought from a complete stranger in a club last weekend of which they know it was transported in a condom through a foreigner's gut? 

"They inject you with nano-particles!" Yes and no. 'Nano' simply means 'really, really small' and yes, H²0 and other liquids contain really, really small particles. But no nanobots. Sorry.

"Everybody who takes the jab, will die within two months!" Within two months of what? Because if you are speaking of 'two months within taking an anti-covid vaccine', how do you explain that most who got it are still alive years later?

"They put a tracker in you to follow you for the rest of your life!" See above point: why would 'they' want to follow you for two months?

The way that wappies 'reason' is usually only laughable. "This chemist is a scientist who never studied the climate so he knows more about climate change than climate scientists!" falls into the same category as: "Max Verstappen is one of the best race drivers. Thus, because he's an expert, he knows more about baking pancakes than the chef of the Pancake House!"

If you're an expert in a certain field does that imply you know everything about everything else? Wappies seem to think so.

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"What!? People knew the Earth was a globe before there were pictures of it!?" 

People who can't critically think are surprised to find out others - even centuries ago - can. And to them only pictures can provide scientific evidence. It's sad, really.

Do you think critically thinking can be taught or are some born with the skill and other will never learn?

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