donderdag, januari 30, 2025

From the R1ver to the S3a

Have decided to write a book in which a Higher Being promises Iceland to my offspring. So in 3.000 years from now, my offspring (and millions who claim to be), 

can legally murder Icelanders and occupy their homes. 

Sounds rather silly, right? And a bit frightening: legally killing tens of thousands of children based on a probably non-existing, 3.000 years old promise? 

But it's exactly why millions are being displaced and even murdered. 

Or is there some other reason why z¡onists want all the land that stretches from the R¡ver to the S3a

In the same Bible in which God promised the Promised Land to the offspring of Abraham (so yeah, He also promised the Holy Land to the Muslims), He attached a few demands.

Interesting sidenote: Abraham lived - some 1000 years apart from Ötzi the Iceman - in the Bronze Age.

The Israelites did not keep their promise to God but still demand Him to keep His part of the deal.

Why did they need the Allies after WW2 to put them on transport to the Middle East? Couldn't their all powerful God give them Isra-el?

Z¡onists 'accidentally' forget to [indoctrinate] teach their children it clearly states the land was promised to all descendants of Abraham, not just to the followers of Judaism, the J3ws. 

Luckily some escape the mind control of z¡onist rabbis. But it's a rare occurrence. 

Would you willingly give up your home if someone showed you a 3.000 years old piece of paper that stated some self invented Higher Being promised them the land you live on?

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