donderdag, januari 16, 2025

What is honest reporting?

A young woman killed herself on her 22nd birthday. 
And can therefore be added to the list of people killed at the Nova Festival in Israel on October 7th 2023. The reporter writing about this tragic loss accidentally left out a few details in his article. Or her. 

Because the reporter knows they're a biased liar (the woman most likely took her own life because she suffered from PTSD. That's - unfortunately - true. That 1200 people were killed at the Nova Music Festival is not) and therefore won't share their name.

Tip: if you consider believing what's in an article but it's signed with 'the editor', a pen name or not at all, you know the writer knows he or she is lying.

Very common with right wing 'information' sources. Like media outlet I24. And millions of gullible, prejudiced and stupid people fall for fake news and demagogues using a certain type of words to get 'the people' riled up.

Wappies lack critical thinking skills so are easily steered with persuasive writing. Demagogues use loaded words to provoke a desired emotion. It's why some thirty percent of all people gets angry at hearing the word 'foreigners' and variations on the theme like 'witches' (okay, maybe not anymore), 'communists', 'refugees', 'muslims' and 'the left'. 

H¡tler was a master in manipulating the masses and made excellent use of newspapers and the then new medium radio to his advantage. By practicing he learned that even how you say a word can make gullible people believe anything you say instantly.

Many people are suffering from PTSD after that faithful day in October 2023. And unfortunately more than a few unalive themselves because they can't handle the emotions of the aftermath anymore.

It must be awful to deliberately shoot a playing child through the back of the head from a safe distance. Or to round people up at gunpoint, have their hands tied behind their backs, make them lie down and run over them with a tank you got from US- and EU taxpayers. Why do those Untermenschen have to scream so loudly? 

Why do these poor, agressive, child murdering f4scists don't get what they deserve? 

In Dutch we say 'huilie huilie' ('cry cry cry') when referring to what Americans call 'snowflakes': people who cry over things that emotionally mature people don't really care about. Like *ssholes feeling sorry for themselves because they hurt their hand when molesting a child. Or people laughing about refugees being blown apart but are crying because they sometimes can't sleep because of the sounds of sirens in the distance. Or child r4pists complaining about nightmares involving crying children.

A few years ago the term got hijacked by a Dutch immigrant-turned-f4scist to demean people who he and his fellow f4scists mean to strip of their human rights. 

What term do you use to describe crying, f4scist snowflakes?

Now CNN has declared itself an ally of a f4scist regime, is it still considered 'lying MSM!' by f4scists?


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