vrijdag, maart 07, 2025

Skywatch Friday and some Prose

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More pictures? Check my Flickr page

Every SWF-picture published here is shot with my trusty Google Pixel 7 smartphone and unedited, unless stated otherwise.
For more Skywatch Friday photo's from around the globe, please check http://skyley.blogspot.com/ 

Since I was down with some virus, I didn't do a lot, next to taking a daily walk in my neighbourhood for some much needed fresh air. 

I really like the colour Midnight Blue. Even when it's not midnight, like when I took this shot:
Although I asked the bird nicely to hang still for a minute while my camera was set to 'long exposure' to capture the moon, it didn't listen and moved anyway. Tsss!
For a change of scenery, here's a picture aimed at the other side of the same bridge:
And here's evidence that even in The Netherlands we can have nice, sunny days:

Here's a poem I wrote, right after one of our daily vocal practices when we performed a musical in Middlesbrough, past Winter:

Taking in the cheers (a #poem)

Different voices came together
High and low and the occasional dissonant
flowing - sometimes grinding -
into harmonies

softly and loudly
gently and screaming

with a smile and a giggle,
a frown in the middle
and a missed note
rocking the boat,

sweating and swaying
right up until the end,
taking in the cheers


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1 opmerking:

Een reactie wordt zeer op prijs gesteld. Mits die netjes blijft. Dus zonder beledigingen en scheldpartijen en zo. Bedankt!