donderdag, december 12, 2024

Real patriots!

MAGA Christian Extremists Learn Trump's Kids Are Jewish
Nat C's are really funny. And thank you Betty Bowers for coming up with Nat. C's as abbreviation for Nationalist Christians. They hate Islam 'becaust it's a foreign religion!' and apparantly think Jesus was from Arkansas and was a 'true American patriot!'

Being a modern day 'Real patriot!' means you'll do anything for your country, right? You support your country - and your country alone - to the full extent of your capabilities, right?

As a 'True patriot!" you hate it when your government supports other nations. So no military or financial support for foreigners, only for your own people because that's what things should be like if you're a 'Real patriot!'

So why do so many 'Real patriots!' proudly wave flags of other nations than their own?

And perhaps I missed it and the geo-political situation changed overnight: but is Is-rael a US state? Or is the US a Provence of Is-rael? 

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